Monday, June 9, 2008


Brad took the boys to see Prince Caspian. They loved the first movie. After the big battle scene, Owen leaned over to Brad and said, "Daddy, those guys are going to have to go home and take a shower. Aren't they?"

Sleeping Beauties

Brad found the boys snuggled together like this one morning. Too cute!
Sweet baby Wyatt!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kids Say the Funniest Things

Here are some funny things that the boys have said:

-Judd put a white wash cloth on his head and asked Brad if that was what I wore when we got married. Brad said, "A washcloth?" Owen said, "What he means is, did mommy wear a princess outfit?"

-There are many ways we could get to our house leaving my parents house. Recently Brad turned down a street that he doesn't usually take. Owen said, "Are you mixing it up, Dad?" Brad was confused. Owen said, "You know. Are you taking a different way? I like it when you mix it up."

-Our kitchen table has four chairs. We all have a chair and Wyatt sits in the high chair. When the boys and I were having lunch the other day Owen said, "Mom, when we get our sister we are going to have to get a new table." We have plenty of time to worry about that!!!!
MY THREE SONS.....Owen, Judd, and Wyatt.